For more information on Maitreya, his goal, his work, his appearance, see the website:
Nicholas Roerich was a disciple asked by the Masters to retrieve a special stone buried in Europe and to return it to Them. His son made this painting of him.
The following is the picture of Master Morya. One of his incarnations was King Melchior, one of the three wise men to welcome the infant Jesus, King Arthur, Thomas Becket, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas More, Chancellor of England and Akbar, the greatest of all Mogul Emperors. He tried to unify believers into one religion. Madame Helena P. Blavatsky was one of the greatest disciples of the Masters. She studied in Tibet with them.
Here are some of the pictures of the Masters and some Disciples. The first is that of Djwhal Khul who is known as the Tibetan Master. He took His 5th Major Initiation in 1875. He helped Madame H.P.Blavatsky to write the profound book The Secret Doctrine. He worked through Alice A. Bailey to write 18 books. Some of His incarnations were Caspar, one of the Wise Men who welcomed the birth of Jesus, and Lao Tsu, the founder of Taoism. He is a 2nd Ray Master. He was a disciple of the Master Kuthumi also spelled Koot Hoomi whose picture is also below. Some of His incarnations were Thutmose III, a Pharaoh of Egypt, Pythagoras, Balthazar, one of the three wise men from the East to welcome the infant Jeshus or Jesus, St Francis of Assisi, and Shah Jahan, the Mughal Emperor of India who built the Taj Mahal.
Maitreya is mentioned in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire on page 211: “The World Teacher takes office cyclically…..He gives out the keynote for the various religions and is the emanating source for periodical religious impulses. …..The Buddha held office prior to the present World Teacher and upon His illumination His place was taken by the Lord Maitreya whom the Occidentals call the Christ.” and on page 599, it says that the Lord Maitreya being on the 2nd Ray holds the 2nd Department of Love-Wisdom. Actually, He comes as the World Teacher and not to start a new religion. In order to have peace, we have to realize that humanity is one force center, one chakra, one body and all the cells have to be fed equally. Maitreya says that to save the world, the resources of the earth must be SHARED by all countries.
Just as there was a pentecost 2000 years ago so there will be one again when Maitreya will demonstrate His true Identity on the “Day of Declaration”. The international media networks will be linked together and Maitreya will be invited to speak to the whole world. Everyone will hear His words in their own language. He will repeat on a world wide scale the true happenings of Pentecost. Hundreds of thousands of spontaneous healings will take place. Every religion awaits the 2nd coming. The Jews await the Messiah, the Christians, the Christ, the Muslims await the Imam Madhi, the Hindus, the reincarnation of Krishna, the Buddhists await another Buddha. They know His personal name. It is the Lord Maitreya. He has taken his 7th major initiation, which means He is androgynous and works with the Planetary Logos.
Some of the Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy
of our planet
The book, The Reappearance of the Christ was written in 1945 by The Tibetan Master through Alice A. Bailey. Every 2000 years or so the Head of the Spiritual Hierarchy appears to inaugurate the new Age. At the time the book was written, it was not known how He would come. Would He overshadow disciples? Would He incarnate? At this time according to the disciple, Benjamin Crème, the Christ has created his own body called a mayavirupa. He came earlier than expected in July 1977 to alleviate the suffering of millions. If anyone tries to shoot him, it would pass through Him. He acts as a focal point for cosmic energies which flood the earth. It is bringing about changes both destructive and constructive. The forces of materialism are so dominant that until there is people power accompanying changes in the political arena and in the media, it delays the blessings which will manifest eventually.
This is the picture of the Lord MAITREYA when he appeared before 6,000 thousand people gathered to witness healing in Nairobi, Kenya on June 11, 1988. The Editor of the Swahili edition of the Kenya Times witnessed the event and pictures were taken. Maitreya can appear in two places simultaneously and can appear as a child, a woman, an old man, etc. He is androgynous and has the consciousness of the whole cosmic physical plane. In one of His incarnations he was Krishna. About ten thousand years ago he was the disciple of the great Vedic Astrologer Parashara.